Position Vacant – District Vocational Training Team Chair
Are you passionate about our work to End Polio Now?
Are you thinking about serving Rotary beyond your club?
If so, we might have just the job for you! We are looking for one or two more members to join our small committee. We meet 3-4 time/year via Zoom. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Rotary’s polio eradication project.
Your role will be to help raise awareness of Rotary’s polio eradication programme and encourage clubs and individuals to contribute to, and fundraise for, the Rotary Foundation’s PolioPlus fund.
For more information/to express your interest, please email:
Michelle Tanner (District Polio Chair) michelle.tanner59@gmail.com or,
Grant Spackman (Incoming District Polio Chair) grant.rotary9930@gmail.com
This activity keeps on giving - for a small amount of our time we get a nice cheque to put into our charity funds for distribution.
Gordon and Heather McInally were so impressed with the Urban Miners recycling operation in Cambridge that they intend to take the concept home to Scotland.
Last week, the couple visited the Cambridge Rotary Club’s star performer, Urban Miners.
Gordon – formerly a dentist in Edinburgh, Scotland – is the first Rotary International president to visit New Zealand and the couple’s five day trip included four Waipā visits.