Stortford Lodge Rotary Club was chartered in 1965 and we are proud to have a charter member still active in our membership. We are one of the newer Rotary Clubs in the Hastings area.
Stortford Lodge is an area at the western end of Hastings. It is comprised of farming support businesses, private and public schools, our main Hawkes Bay hospital, and large new and established residential neighbourhoods.
Our club membership numbers in the mid 30’s with a mix of newer members as well a strong base of Rotaries with over 20 years of service with the club. Two District 9930 governors have come from the Stortford Lodge Rotary.
Some of our major projects we have been equipment supply for Cranford Hospice, the Blues Brews and Barbecues event, development of the Rotary Pathways, and aid projects for Samoa and Vanuatu.
We have a strong bond with the School of St Jude in Arusha, Tanzania including a recent visit from one of our members
Fundraisers have included quiz nights and charity dinners, raising and fattening cattle to sell, Christmas trees, and a variety of event support and management roles.
Our club is a strong supporter of the redevelopment of the Peka Peka swamp south of Hastings. This project has returned a farm and natural wetland area to its original state of 100 years ago. The restoration includes walkways that allow visitors to experience the natural flora and fauna of this area.
We are on the edge of the Hawkes Bay wine producing region and in the centre of the local fruit growing industry. Many of our members are involved directly in these industries or supporting industries.
Sortford Lodge is an easygoing club. Our members enjoy a balance of service, socialising and fellowship. We meet on Tuesday night each week. Come join us for dinner, and consider coming back each week to join us in serving our community.