Rotary Scholarships - an overview
Rotary District 9930 and Rotary clubs offer scholarships for undergraduate or graduate study. These scholarships may be supported with funds raised locally or with scholarship grants (Global or District) from the Rotary Foundation.
1. Global Grant Scholarships
Global grants are offered for post-graduate students studying abroad, whose studies fit into one of Rotary's causes.

Potential candidates should review the Global Grants Scholarships in rotary.org and discuss with their local Rotary club or District Scholarships Chair before completing an application form.
Rotary clubs should refer to the Grant Centre resources in my.rotay.org and discuss with the District 9930 Scholarship Chair
Global grant scholarship resources
2. District Grant Scholarships
District Grants may be offered for undergraduate students for short and long courses generally within New Zealand.
3. Rotary Peace Fellowships (Scholarships)
The Rotary Foundation offers fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of Rotary's Peace Centres:
- Duke University/University of North Carolina, USA
- Makerere University, Kampala, UGANDA
- Uppsala University, SWEDEN
- International Christian University, Tokyo, JAPAN
- University of Bradford, England, UK
- University of Queensland, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
- Chilalongkorn, Bangkok, THAILAND
- (To be opened in 2024) The Otto and Fran Walter Rotary Peace Center, at Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, TURKEY
4. Individual Club/Trust Scholarships
Some Rotary clubs offer scholarships through individual trusts or programmes administered by their club and may be able to support scholars on a case-by-case basis. Potential candidate should contact their local club.