ShelterBoxes have been described by the Red Cross as the best form of primary aid in disaster situations they have seen in 25 years – that probably means ever.
Since ShelterBox was founded, we have responded to over 230 disasters and humanitarian crises in almost 90 different countries and provided emergency aid for well over one million people. To date, they have been delivered to 80 countries following all types of natural disasters and human conflict.
ShelterBox New Zealand is a New Zealand registered charity and its primary role involves fundraising and building awareness for the disaster relief organization within NZ. It is an affiliate of the worldwide aid organization ShelterBox UK which began in 2000 as a Rotary project, at the Rotary Club of Helston-Lizard, Cornwall, UK. They championed the simple idea of packaging up essential shelter items in the now-iconic green ShelterBoxes for their millennium project. Since then, the operational frontline of ShelterBox has provided vital supplies and shelter to over 1.5 million people in over 97 countries - post-earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and assisted people displaced by conflict.

ShelterBox teams work with families & communities around the world, offering emergency shelter and other essential items to support them in rebuilding their lives and communities. Whilst ShelterBoxes are designed for those who have lost everything, ShelterKits contain a variety of essential tools designed to enable families to immediately start repairing and rebuilding their homes. After considered assessments, highly-trained ShelterBox Response Team Members (SRT’s) physically deliver aid straight to the hands of those who need it. To be able to act rapidly after disaster strikes, ShelterBox has pre-positioned stock stored in strategic locations around the globe.
With more than 33,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide, Rotarians are able to act as the first point of contact when SRT’s arrive in a country, plus they provide ShelterBox with first-hand knowledge of communities and offer vital logistical and operational assistance.
How can you help? Fundraise, donate, join an event, volunteer, become a Rotary Club Ambassador, leave a legacy, follow us on Facebook; Facebook/ShelterBoxNZ
Please visit; www.shelterbox.org.nz
Contact ShelterBox NZ; info@shelterbox.org.nz
If you would like a guest speaker at your Rotary Club or for more information, contact;

ShelterBox NZ Ambassador/Volunteer
Claire Connor
(Ahuriri Sunrise)
Mob: 027 5777174
Paddy Quinlan
ShelterBox New Zealand is an Affiliate of the ShelterBox Trust (UK).
It is managed in New Zealand by The ShelterBox New Zealand Charitable Trust,
PO Box 5410, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058. (Charitable Registration No: CC49035).