Nestled in the heart of the Waikato dairy producing region the Rotary Club of Morrinsville was founded in 1945. There are currently over 40 members in our Club and our members come from a wide range of backgrounds and occupations.
The primary aim of the Club is one of service to our local community & to the wider national & world communities. Associated with this is a secondary aim of sharing fellowship & understanding.
Our Club meets weekly in the lounge at the Morrinsville Rotary Community Centre, 45 Canada Street. The Members arrive from 5.30pm onwards and the meeting commences at 6.00pm and ends at approximately 7.45pm. Visitors and prospective members are warmly welcomed.
If you visit our town, be sure to view the now famous herd of cows that colour the streets of our town. Rotocow was a project Rotary undertook.
Each year members are involved in fund-raising for the Morrinsville Rotary Charitable Trust. During the past ten years or so the Rotary Club of Morrinsville has supported a range of projects in our local community, with donations of funds from the Trust totalling over $250,000! Voluntary labour by our Rotarians has saved organisations thousands of $’s in labour costs.
In recent years major focuses have included providing Riding for Disabled a new horse and an upgrade to their facilities; substantial financial support to the new Te Mana Whenua of Piako Exhibition at the Morrinsville Museum; (telling the Maori Kingitanga Movement story) the planting of Cherry Trees at the western entry to the township and planting and care of the town planters to beautify the town; the development of the Morrinsville Menz Shed; the creation of a Reading in Schools programme in association with Paper Plus that recognises effort and achievement in reading progress termly in the local primary schools, and a District Grant that assisted the club to fund the provision of Storage Water Tanks to individual homes within the Navula Vou village in the Sigatoka Valley, Fiji.
As well as these projects the club contributes to and assists local schools, community events, and a range of health,
Youth, Peace and conflict and Education and literacy foci within the community and wider world. We host and send students within the RANZE, RYE and RYPEN programmes, recently hosted a friendship exchange from Brazil and annually support and work within the 9930 RYLA programme.
This year much of our efforts were placed upon finding a new home for our club to meet. We now are enjoying our new premises in association with the Senior Citizens Club, having secured a 30 year lease and naming rights for the building, “The Morrinsville Rotary Community Centre.”
Extensive upgrades to the lounge and kitchen have given us a home we are rightly proud to enjoy.
Our members are part of our Rotary family and we enjoy celebrating special occasions with them, 90th birthdays are important.
In 2019-20, the 9930 District Governor Peter Maxwell, is a member of our club.
If you wish more information about our club, contact the Secretary.