Posted on Mar 02, 2019
Just recently one of our seniors, well respected Rotarian, reminded me of this adage – why don’t we just get off our ASK and ASK people to join our clubs?
This has worked surprisingly well in the past and present-day Rotarians have all sorts of reasons not to ask others to join us. I am too old, I have no business contacts anymore, I have asked all my friends – everything except the dog ate my homework. Sorry that last one was from a previous life.
Yet, most likely, that is how we were introduced to Rotary. We all still have contacts – the local pharmacist, our family members, our children’s friends, the GP – the list goes on. It seems so simple, why don’t we do it? 
Article by RC PDG Tim Moore
Ask your club who has introduced a new member in the last 20 years, how about the last 2 years?
Why not, whose job is it if it’s not each of us? Have you been through your alumni – past Foundation recipients, Group Study Exchange team members, Youth Exchange students (Rotary Club Central can get your reports on these), teachers from local schools that your club has helped, ageing out Rotaractors, recent retirees, corporate partners – I am sure you can now think of many.
Does your club have a plan to help all members recruit, an informational and fun night planned that tells them about Rotary and your Club, a night that shows how they can connect with the community? Ideally, a project to engage them now?
No? Get your club talking about it then. Next step, how are you going to keep these members interested enough to stay? Importantly, please don’t ask them to marry you on the first date! i.e. don’t poke a membership form at them straight away, get them to know you and your club and its valuable work, engage them – after all the best way to attract new members is to have a vibrant, friendly and active club.
Does your club need to be more flexible in attendance, traditions, meeting format (or a meeting at all), review its projects and costs?
I look forward to your stories on how you can make this happen.