For the last couple of months, Bayly Tanner spent his own time talking to community groups in the lower and central North Island about the work we do at The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ.

Bayly aims to raise $50,000 for The Foundation, and he is well on his way with over $1500 raised already.

We asked him what led him to start supporting The Foundation.
"Believe it or not, it all started with a goat! One Christmas, I was given a gift card that said I had given a goat to a village in Africa where the families were struggling to put food on the table and support their loved ones.
It thrilled me that the gift I received was being on-gifted to where the need was so desperate.
The following March we were invited to a wedding, and the invitation said 'No presents please' but the groom was a good mate who had worked in both Fiji and Samoa. So we gave him a gift card saying that we had donated $250 to The Fred Hollows Foundation and that 10 Pacific Islanders who were unnecessarily blind would have their eyesight restored. In the card, I said that every wedding anniversary was a double celebration, another year of marital bliss and another year of restored sight for the Pacific patients and their families.

In the thank you letter, the bride and groom said they had had warm fuzzies knowing that their marriage was cause for celebration elsewhere and that our gift was a gift that kept on giving."