District - Job Vacancy
District 9930 – Chair for Information, Communications and Technology and District ROZTech Representative
Please apply to the District Governor
Purpose: To manage the operation of an efficient, professional and up to date district website using the ClubRunner platform and to encourage individual Rotarians and Clubs to use the medium for Rotary communications. Further, this is to include the promotion and support of ClubRunner for Clubs as a club management tool to as many clubs in the district as possible.
ROZTech (Rotary Oceania Zone Technical) is the technical arm of Rotary New Zealand Project Support Ltd and is tasked with ensuring that all districts in Zone 7b provide an integrated series of District websites through the ClubRunner Zone website www.rotaryoceania.zone all with a common theme. ROZTech is the developmental and educational team representing all six South Pacific district websites by providing platforms for ROZCom and ROZJoinus to ensure effective Public Image and Membership communications to Rotarians and the general public.
For further information about the use of Clubrunner click here.
Current Goals
- To assist all District Chairs to maintain satisfactory communication throughout the district
- Through Education, assist District and Clubs to utilise the facility provided.
- To assist the Public Image Chair, Committee, their webmaster, web coordinator and their team where necessary.
- Continue the introduction of ClubRunner to clubs as a management tool.
- Promote Communication between and within the District's clubs.
- Promote District and club events to Rotarians and to the general public.
- To maintain the advertising capability of ClubRunner so that it remains a Zone only capability.
- To ensure the constant upgrading of ClubRunner through effective communication with ClubRunner management in Canada.
For more information, our current Chair Jock McIntrye can be contacted by email: jockmcintyre0@gmail.com