District 9930 Training Assembly happened on Saturday 6 May, a beautifully fine day in Taupo,
when most would prefer to be out in the sun and not in classrooms.
About 120 Rotarians gave up their free time and some even missed the first day of duck shooting (lucky ducks) to attend. They learned more about Rotary, the Foundation grants process and the youth programmes strongly supported and changing lives of a large number of youth and young adults in our district. 
In the afternoon Deb Wimblett the invited speaker, talked about membership, metaphorically relating clubs to pizza (thanks to Mark Huddleston). Is Ham and cheese the only flavour on offer, (same old, same old and not to everyone’s taste) or could we try new toppings (changing how the club works, meets, adding social gatherings or getting involved in all the different Rotary programmes that can take you to new places and introduce you to new people) - more variety so more likely to attract more members.
All of the breakout sessions were well attended with really good feedback given.
Very big thanks go to all those involved in making this happen and especially to all of the presenters who spent a lot of time putting their sessions together. They provided useful and sometimes very entertaining information so I am sure everyone went away knowing more about Rotary and their district.
Bev Tagg